She is one of the great loves of my life
Even though her chicken farts are legendary
She knows when i need a cuddle
She knows when what i really want is a good long walk in the park
Wait a second, that sounds like something she would really want
Guess that leads me to the fact my dog is a little bit manipulative
In a cute way of course
She knows how to get your attention
I feel like a mum who understands her babies cries only i know what kind of bark means i need to poo, i would like my night time treat, and dear god mummy can we go home yet?
The reason i'm talking about dog lovin?
Because Sydney is getting a new cousin
Sydney isn't quite so sure
She still hasn't got used to her new cousin (and Lulus new sister) Alice
Outside Alice and Sydney are running buddies and best friends
I'm madly in love with the newest edition to our family
Sydney is still deciding
When she has lots to ponder like this she enjoys keeping me company in the kitchen
Remember when i said i was in the kitchen for 8 hours?
Well she stayed with me the whole time (except for the weird bathtub incidents)
Obviously for my good company
Not to stalk dropped bits and pieces of scrap food
Oh no, not for that reason AT ALL
She deems this one of her most favourite things cooked on Monday probably because it contained Peanut Butter!
I will share the recipe soon, once i remember what i did and try to recreate it, lol!
I also created this since i'm obsessed with the Starbucks version and it was going to put me in the poorhouse if i didn't come up with my own version soon!
Don't worry i didn't forget its Thirsty Thursday!!!
Donnas Starbucks be damed Iced Coffee
1 container of unsweetened chocolate almond milk
2 sleeves of starbucks instant coffee (oops probably shouldn't damn the company providing me with one of the ingredients for my drink!)
3 packs of Splenda or your preferred sweetener (sorry guys, but i do love my splenda, you could use stevia or organic sugar if you wish!)
1. Put all in the almond milk container
2. Shake
3. Make sure the lid is on properly
4. Shake the iced coffee out of your hair because your lid was not on properly!
5. Pour over ice one cup at a time, 45 calories baby!!!!!!!!!!!
So yesterday TRX was cancelled boo boo boooooo so Christina and I went to the UFC class where it was non stop exertion for 45 minutes straight and since we are gluttons for punishment we went to Physique 57 after, but little did we know an instructor from Guelph was teaching and we got our asses handed to us in a not so pretty way
I got home and could only make it up 3 of the 4 stairs that leads to our living room! I'm not kidding, i really wish i was, my body is still shaking
My eats were still super good today even though BF and I had the day off together which is usually our down fall, we want yummy food when we get to hang out with each other! I have made 2 epic (Daves words) vegan dinners in a row, very proud of myself!!!
Okay thats all for me, have a great Thursday!
Ps: We missed you at UFC Monica, next week you are SO coming with us!!!