I can put happy and monday in the same sentence because its a long weekend here in Ontario and I don't have to go to work today!
And no the title isn't referring to a random boy band song
I'm directly quoting someone who attended the garage sale on Saturday
Oh yes, someone actually yelled across our driveway "HEY GIRL" how much is this?
But lets rewind and start the weekend at Friday
Weekend Recap!
We enjoyed these yummy appetizers upon arrival while we waited for my sister and her husband who had accidentally gone to the wrong Milestones... have i mentioned my sister and i are naturally blonde?
Dinner was AHMAZING, i didn't even photograph as i was too intent on eating it pronto! My mum and I split the lamb dinner and then chicken curry, oh so good
Donna Confession: I love brown rice and its all we eat at home but i honestly forgot how great white rice tastes, it was a nice treat... a treat that i will fantastize about every time i eat brown rice from now on ;o)
So dinner was fabulous, the service not so much, our waiter did admit that he was new but at one point there were 12 empty glasses sitting at the top of the table and no one had taken them away so my sister was so irritated she moved them to a random shelf, it took 20 minutes every time we asked for a soda refill, 45 minute to get our first drinks after we arrived, no steak knives, and lets just say we were no longer a priority table after having to complain so many times, luckily the great company and the divine food made it easier to still enjoy the meal
Mum & Dad and Katie & Chris
Donna & Dave
Really babe???
Yeah attempt 2 wasn't much better!
After dinner we said our goodbyes only to surprise my mum back at our parents house with Dairy Queen icecream cake - nothing beats this cake!!!
Saturday we were up bright and early for the garage sale
End results were
1 massive sunburn + 3 crazy buyers + mostly normal people = $500 dollars
Crazy Buyer #1: I want your picture for $5, i only like the frame
Me: Ummm no sorry, its a really nice picture and its worth a lot more
1 hour later
Crazy Buyer #1: I still want your picture for $5Me: Yeah, so no, i'm still not giving it to you for that price, someone will want the picture AND the frame
4 hours later
Crazy Buyer #1: Hey the picture is still here, i'll give you $5Me: NO!!!!!!!!!!
Crazy Buyer #1: I'll come back when you close up
Me: If its still here i will put it on Kijiji (online community sale) so please don't bother
3 hours later Crazy Buyer came back looking for car manuals we never had
Welcome to the land of Garage Sales!
Crazy Buyer #2: Hey Girl???
Me: Yes, can i help you with something
Crazy Buyer #2: Girl, how much is this rug
Me: Hold on a sec, i accidentally wore Lululemon and not my maids outfit, i'll be right back!
Crazy Buyer #3: Owwwww your driveway hurts
Me: I see how you might say that since you aren't wearing shoes and we have a lot of gravel driveways out here in the country
A ton of things had gone by this point!
We are a book loving family - i am referred to as the L family library i buy and read SO many!
My dad made the mirror and i wish we had somewhere in the new house to put the antique french doors!
So sad to see the disco ball go, its just soooo sparkly even though we never had any reason to use it!
We used the garage sale time to try to pick out some paint colours for the kitchen
Closer look of our granite, gorgeous no?
After the garage sale we stopped in at the new house to look around - we have a roof!!!
Then it was time to head to Ryan and Amys for a delicious BBQ and a 4 hour game of Catch Phrase, we are kind of obsessed and I would like to mention Amy and I make a kick ass team, we beat the boys like 6 games to 3 or something hilarious like that
Donna and Amy are green, Dave and Ryan are Blue - kicked ass i tell you!
Have i mentioned how bad i am at playing games? I get uber competitive and after that much Catch Phrase i could hardly talk from yelling about bad behavior coming from the boys - they cheated several times and i let it be known very loudly i wasn't having it!
Sunday we went to the house with our parents again to get some advice on stucco colours - when i say advice i mean trying to get everyone to agree that my opinion is the right one!

LRT Movie Review
Really funny, even with several awkward scenes that were totally cringe worthy! The actors and actresses were crazy funny and thanks to the movie i'll never go to a brazillian restuarant before going into a bridal store EVER
Rest of the day was spent just enjoying our time together, our schedules only give us 2 days out of 14 together so we like to make the most of it and enjoy lots of cuddles with silly tv movies and Thai take out
Well thats my weekend recap!
Today is monday and i'm in detox mode so i made a crazy bowl for breakfast
Wanna see?
Then i had some fun with focal points!
Well i'm off for a run and to get my cooking on in the kitchen, have a lovely Monday xox