Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What i did on my winter vacation...

I don't remember ever having to actually write a "what i did on my summer vacation" essay at school so this is my chance!!!

Well i had 11 FABULOUS days off, hubby and i did a whole lot of not much, each morning started with making a different kind of homemade oatmeal - Granola oatmeal, apple oatmeal, pumpkin spice oatmeal, chocolate banana oatmeal - after reading so many blogs i was SO excited to try peanut butter on oatmeal, i gotta tell you... BLECH! Lol not my thing, pumpkin spice oatmeal was the surprise winner!

1/2 cup of oats
1/2 cup of almond milk
1/2 cup of water
1/4 cup of pumpkin
1/2 tsp of pumpkin spice
1/4 cup of raisins 
mix it all up over medium heat - total yummmmms

We shopped and pottered around a lot, did a few errands (put wiper blades on cars, boring stuff like that), watched a TON of movies including
Wall Street - money never sleeps (goodish, interesting for me as a banker)
Devil (interesting and not that scary)
Knight and Day (meh, not that great)
Eat Pray Love (just as boring as the book)
Despicable Me (freaking love this movie)
Princess Bride (total classic, hubby not loving it)
The Town (good solid movie!)
Social Network (kinda boring, hubby really liked it though)

Played a lot of wii, i am excited we now have 400 games on our modded system, we also got Kinect but we haven't played it yet!

Only went to the gym a couple of times, bad i know - but my body really appreciated the break!

Last year we went to a Black Ball Gala for new years eve however this year no one was really feeling the big party so we had a fun games night at a friends house 1 block over with drinks and appetizers, we aren't huge club people so a quiet night was totally okay with us :o)

We spent time with family, we played with the doodle, we just enjoyed our time and each other

So thats what i did on my winter vacation, nothing over the top fabulous but it was fabulous to me, here are some pics

I watched my sister and brother in laws puppy attack presents!
We shopped here a lot, its called Home Sense and has TONS of great home decorating items and ideas and gourmet food
I shopped for some of these - i ended up with 2 different pairs, 1 for running and 1 for the gym and neither were these that i took a random picture of!

I tried on christmas gifts and texted the pictures to boyfriend so he wasn't too bored at work!

I made this, too bad it didn't taste as great as it looked!
I played this with my toddler cousins (well they are officially my second cousins) and i had more fun then they did!
I ate, drank and was definitely merry :o)