Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Its good to be green

Quickie 2 minute post...

Loved the new tank, totally wicked away all my zumba sweat on Monday!
See back of tank here...

This is the special edition snorkel microstripe tank, it has a thonged racerback back (tehehee thong!)

And i'm now officially obsessed with green monster smoothies
My fav has
- 1 cup of natura vanilla soy milk
- 1/2 tbsp of almond butter
- 2 cups of baby spinach
- touch of honey
- 1/4 cup of frozen blueberries
- 1/2 banana
= yummmmmmmmmm
Throw everything into blender (no specific order necessary)

Blend away (i like to use the blending time to play catch the dog treat with the doodle, she loves smoothie time!)

Enjoy green smoothie with a green straw while wearing a green lululemon pullover!
I MUST love smoothies if i'm willing to photograph myself drinking one while all sweaty!

Back tomorrow with eating/working out update and maybe another travel blog :o)