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Love, Run & Travel
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Monday, July 4, 2011
True Story
I spend my weekend with vampires
What did you get up to?
Now I know what you are thinking
Vampires aren't real
And thank goodness for that
I don't think I would look good dead
I look bad enough first thing in the morning
Imagine how I would look all pale and lacking a soul?
Anyway, I still spent my weekend with vampires
They were just courtesy of HBOs True Blood
Tons of my friends watch this show and Amber was kind enough to lend me the first couple of seasons
Just don't watch it with your parents around was everyones advice - its really dirty!
Then the awkward happened
My mum saw the DVD cases and excitedly told me season 4 was starting soon
So other then watch the whole first season of the show this is what else we got up to this weekend
Friday was beautiful, we celebrated our country's birthday and headed to Rockwood just outside Guelph to get our hike on
We followed it with an epic date night, one of those nights were everything goes wrong but you still have fun because you love each other
Went a little like this
Waitress was an airhead who had to be asked to bring us everything including our menus
Found hair in my pizza
Went to batting cage finally (have romantic image of BF having his arms around me showing me how to swing) - balls spit out everywhere but in our direction - batting cage fail!
Cure for everythingwentwrong date? Candle light s'mores and true blood!
Hit the gym and then finalized our appliance search
Only took about 12 appliance stores, 4 pissy phone calls, several douches and we finally decided on The Bay to purchase our shiny kitchen items
To celebrate we BBQ'd, drank, had zumba lessons on the deck and then caught the late show of Bad Teacher
LRT movie review
Bad Teacher
Donna: funny, Cameron Diaz is great, Justin timberlake not so much, story has holes but we did enjoy it
Dave: alright 6/10 more of a renter
Ignored all efforts to work out in favour of buying groceries, tanning in the back yard and playing baseball - THAT IS IT and it was great!!!
_____________________________So over the weekend we kept it mostly healthy, it's definitely the way of life for us now
One food i'm loving lately is falafel and when I saw this at the grocery store I definitely wanted to give it a try as the ingredients were whole and it was cheaper then making it myself
We topped it with tzatziki sauce some broccoli slaw and spinach in a multigrain wrap
Result - yummy but a weird aftertaste - I'll be making this on my own soon for sure! Stay tuned for the recipe
Okay well I'm off to watch more True Blood, make s'mores and hope Monday never comes - if you are reading this I guess it did tho :oP
Posted by
7:07 AM
True Story
doodle|movie review|weekend recap|

movie review,
weekend recap
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Get your fit on
My back home running route! That speck in the distance is Dave and Sydney running ahead of me :o) |
Put on your spandex bodysuits readers
I don't talk about it all that much
Even though i really should, don't ya think?
My philosophy is that i just try to be active every single day
Except last week
I mean I was definitely active last week
Just in a moving my entire home into a 2 car garage kind of way
Remember when i said i was having issues with my shin?
It wasn't so much an issue
As i was in so much pain it hurt to put pressure on the gas and brake pedal when i drove
Its okay
I'm feeling better now
No need to avoid all my driving routes
What did i do to help the excrutiating pain?
I took it easy for a week
I took it easy for a week
Then i took a whole week off
My body needed a break
So i listened
And the result was me squealing with glee at Zumba Monday night to everyone that would listen
My shin doesn't hurt!!!!!!
And this week i broke my new shoes in on a 2km run on a route i used to take when i first discovered running about 6 years ago
Here is how it went...
Monday -> Zumba
Tuesday -> Run
Wednesday -> UFC and Physique 57
Thursday -> Cycle and Zumba
Friday -> OFF
Saturday -> Physique 57
Sunday -> Spartan & sometimes Yoga
Thats about 4 cardios, 3 strengths a week - some weeks i work saturday am so i take a class friday, i mix it up all the time, i just really try to do something every day even if it is go for a hike and a chat with a girlfriend or a long stroll with the fur baby
Being injured and having to stop working out made me UBER sad, i don't ever want to take my ability to kick a Zumba classes arse for granted!
So this Monday before Zumba Christina and I tried out called Street Jazz where you learn one dance routine per class and here is our review
Intensity: High, way harder then we thought it would be but in a good way
Number of times Donna broke down in giggles: Too many to count, every time someone would do the splits i would laugh in the ridiculousness that was my attempt to do the same
Moments of sadness: one when we realized we wouldn't get to use the spirit fingers we had been practicing all day so we took this picture for you instead!
Let me tell you all this fitness makes me thirsty though ;o)
Being in transition between houses has resulted in a serious lackage (totally a word i tell you) of vegetables in my diet so i'm trying to squeeze as much goodness into my smoothies as possible!
I don't have a new smoothie recipe for you today but here is one of my favs!
Chocolate Raspberry Green Monster
Handful of Raspberries
1/2 Frozen Banana
3 Ice cubes
1 Cup of Chocolate Soy Milk
1 Tbsp of Chia Seeds
2 Handfuls of Kale
Directions: Blend that powerhouse up and try not to get smoothie everywhere, this isn't your kitchen after all!
Tomorrow is a day off for me but don't worry i have a post for you - i'm super blogger after missing you all for a whole week!
I'm leaving you with a photo of a weed (classy huh?) I just feel that this weed makes my runs better because they look like a pretty flower
I give you DITCH LILIES!!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Can't wait for this house to be our HOME
Only 24 days
Not that i'm counting
Till this house
Yup thats the one on the right
Becomes our home
Want to know how Dave calms me down when i stress about all the moving drama?
He whispers "granite countertops" and "sliding drawers in the pantry" into my ears
Works like a charm!
Want to know what i whisper in his ear when he gets overwhelmed by all we have going on?
CENSORED*$%*#*@($*$&(*$+#**&@*&^% CENSORED
Bahhahaa kidding!
I say "glass shower, man cave and flat screen tv above fireplace"
So on todays What I Wednesday
I'm going to show you a few pictures on how the house progress is coming along
New house stats
# of times we had to switch our lot - ONE
# of jokes our builder has made - NONE (this guy is made of stone, great builder but its a serious mission of mine to get him to crack a smile)
# of fights we had over hardwood - FIVE
# of contractors we have seen in the house - THOUSAND (slight exageration there)
# of times i've done the seal clap in glee over progress made - MILLION (no exageration!)
So todays recipe is practice for yummy recipe i can serve visitors at the new house!
Follow basic vegan chocolate cookie recipe!
Add in sea salt dark chocolate and rind of one lime
Cook for exactly 11 minutes at 350 degrees
Drool over the deliciousness that is these cookies!!!
Then share with your parents who are grumbling over your dairy milk chocolate confession yesterday
If you get a sec you should read my mums comment on yesterdays post - as my friend Diane says she knows where i get my sense of humour from!
Have a great Hump Day and i'll see you tomorrow for some fitness fun xoxoxoxoxox
Not that i'm counting
Till this house
Yup thats the one on the right
Becomes our home
Want to know how Dave calms me down when i stress about all the moving drama?
He whispers "granite countertops" and "sliding drawers in the pantry" into my ears
Works like a charm!
Want to know what i whisper in his ear when he gets overwhelmed by all we have going on?
Bahhahaa kidding!
I say "glass shower, man cave and flat screen tv above fireplace"
So on todays What I Wednesday
I'm going to show you a few pictures on how the house progress is coming along
New house stats
# of times we had to switch our lot - ONE
# of jokes our builder has made - NONE (this guy is made of stone, great builder but its a serious mission of mine to get him to crack a smile)
# of fights we had over hardwood - FIVE
# of contractors we have seen in the house - THOUSAND (slight exageration there)
# of times i've done the seal clap in glee over progress made - MILLION (no exageration!)
So todays recipe is practice for yummy recipe i can serve visitors at the new house!
Salty Chocolate Lime Cookies
Add in sea salt dark chocolate and rind of one lime
Cook for exactly 11 minutes at 350 degrees
Drool over the deliciousness that is these cookies!!!
Then share with your parents who are grumbling over your dairy milk chocolate confession yesterday
If you get a sec you should read my mums comment on yesterdays post - as my friend Diane says she knows where i get my sense of humour from!
Have a great Hump Day and i'll see you tomorrow for some fitness fun xoxoxoxoxox
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Let me be your tenant
So its true
I'm 32 years old
I live with my parents
And my hunny
Also my child who is covered in fur lives with us too
Next stop Jerry Springer?
Nah, it's only going to be for 30 days*
I made the executive decision before we moved in that we would act like tenants, stay downstairs most of the time and try to keep life as normal as possible
That lasted about an hour
The other night i could be found sitting on my parents bedroom floor (for some odd reason our family of 4 used to regularly sit and have chats in my parents bedroom or bathroom) chatting away with them while eating their vinta crackers and letting my dad make me rum and cokes
This living with my parents thing is rough!
Have i mentioned they keep boxes of dairy milk chocolate in the fruit pantry that they don't think i know about?
Muahahahahaaaaaa ;o)
*I'mpretty sure i have heard my parents chant this on more then one occasion
To thank my parents for all their generosity I wanted to make a tasty breakfast!
I had some Justins Maple Almond Butter that a friend brought me back from the states and i was dying to use it so i made a twist on my breakfast cookie
1/3 cup of oatmeal flour
1 egg white
1/2 banana mashed
1/2 apple chopped
1 tsp of chia seeds
1 tsp of ground flax
1/4 tsp of baking powder
5 drops of stevia
Mash wet ingredients together
Add dry ingredients
Microwave on high for 90 seconds (which i just realized is the same as 1 minute 30 seconds, yes i'm THAT blonde)
Best Part? The toppings!!!
OMG this was soooo good, i can't wait to make it again!
Justin - whoever you are, won't you bring your nut butter to Canada.... PLEASE???
See you tomorrow where we will have a tour of the new house :o)
I'm 32 years old
I live with my parents
And my hunny
Also my child who is covered in fur lives with us too
Next stop Jerry Springer?
Nah, it's only going to be for 30 days*
I made the executive decision before we moved in that we would act like tenants, stay downstairs most of the time and try to keep life as normal as possible
That lasted about an hour
The other night i could be found sitting on my parents bedroom floor (for some odd reason our family of 4 used to regularly sit and have chats in my parents bedroom or bathroom) chatting away with them while eating their vinta crackers and letting my dad make me rum and cokes
This living with my parents thing is rough!
Have i mentioned they keep boxes of dairy milk chocolate in the fruit pantry that they don't think i know about?
Muahahahahaaaaaa ;o)
Rustic deck to photograph food on
Beautiful gardens to photograph food in
Amazing landscape to get attacked by mosquitos in!
Beautiful gardens to photograph food in
Amazing landscape to get attacked by mosquitos in!
To thank my parents for all their generosity I wanted to make a tasty breakfast!
I had some Justins Maple Almond Butter that a friend brought me back from the states and i was dying to use it so i made a twist on my breakfast cookie
Maple Apple Breakfast Cookie
1 egg white
1/2 banana mashed
1/2 apple chopped
1 tsp of chia seeds
1 tsp of ground flax
1/4 tsp of baking powder
5 drops of stevia
Mash wet ingredients together
Add dry ingredients
Microwave on high for 90 seconds (which i just realized is the same as 1 minute 30 seconds, yes i'm THAT blonde)
Best Part? The toppings!!!
OMG this was soooo good, i can't wait to make it again!
Justin - whoever you are, won't you bring your nut butter to Canada.... PLEASE???
See you tomorrow where we will have a tour of the new house :o)
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